Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    1. The Six Boring Stepwise Partimenti

    2. Fauxbourdon

    3. Fauxbourdon Partimento Realization

    4. 8-7-6

    5. 8-7-6 Partimento Realization

    6. 10-9-8

    7. 10-9-8 Partimento Realization

    8. 10-9-8 + 8-7-6

    9. 10-9-8 + 8-7-6 Partimento Realization

    10. Corelli Leapfrog

    11. 5-6 + 8-7-6

    12. 5-6 + 8-7-6 Realization

    13. Stepwise Romanesca

    14. Stepwise Romanesca Partimento Realization

    15. 3-#4-6

    16. 3-#4-6 realization

    17. DP10 (desc)

    18. DP10 desc Partimento Realization

    19. Passacaglia

    20. Passacaglia Partimento Realization

    1. Leaping Romanesca

    2. Leaping Romanesca Partimento Realization

    3. Perfidia

    4. Perfidia Partimento Realization

    5. Monte Principale

    6. Monte Principale Partimento Realization

    7. Dolareti

    8. Dolareti Partimento Realization

    9. Domirefa

    10. Domirefa Partimento Realization

    11. Falling Thirds

    12. Falling Thirds Partimento Realization

    1. Monte

    2. Monte Realization

    3. Lamento

    4. Lamento Realization

    5. Fenaroli and Valente Chromatic Ascents

    6. Fenaroli and Valente Ascent Realization

    7. Über-Lamento

    8. Über-Lamento Realization

    9. Chromatic Fauxbourdon

    10. Chromatic Fauxbourdon Realization

    11. Martini

    12. Martini Realization

    1. Evaluation

    2. Conclusion

About this course

  • $77.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content