Course curriculum

    1. Pro Tutorial #1 - C5 - Page One

    2. Pro Tutorial #2 - C5 - Fantasia - Page One - RO

    3. Pro Tutorial #3 - 5-6 - 7-6 -Durante - Quiescenza

    4. Pro Tutorial #4 - Diminutions - RO

    5. Pro Tutorial #5 - Variations

    6. Pro Tutorial #6 - Durante

    7. Pro Tutorial #7 - Bach

    8. Pro Tutorial #7a - Bach

    9. Pro Tutorial #8 - C5 - Partimento

    10. Pro Tutorial #9 - Tied Bass

    11. Pro Tutorial #10 - Diminution

    12. Pro Tutorial #11 - Diminutions

    13. Pro Tutorial #12 - Lamento

    14. Pro Tutorial #13 - Über-Lamento

    15. Pro Tutorial #14 - Chromatic - Fenaroli

    16. Pro Tutorial #15 - Chromatic - Durante

    17. Pro Tutorial #16 - Pedal Point - Zelenka

    18. Pro Tutorial #17 - Pedal Point

    19. Pro Tutorial #18 - Stylization - Durante

    20. Pro Tutorial #19 - Durante - Partimento - Lecture

    21. Pro Tutorial #20 - Pedal Point - Monte - Über-Lamento - Diminutions - Practice

    22. Pro Tutorial #21 - Pachelbel - Toccata - Bicinium - Pedal Point

    23. Pro Tutorial #22 - Monte Romanesca

    24. Pro Tutorial #23 - Allemande - C5 - Cadence - Cascade - Diminution - Durante - Falling Thirds

    25. Pro Tutorial #24 - Leaping Romanesca - Stepwise Romanesca

    26. Pro Tutorial #25 - Perfidia - Romanesca

    27. Pro Tutorial #26 - Bass Motions - Bach - C5 - Cascade - RO

    28. Pro Tutorial #27 - Bach - C5 - Cascade - Invertible

    29. Pro Tutorial #28 - Stylus Phantasticus

    30. Pro Tutorial #29 - Bicinium - Practicing

    31. Pro Tutorial #30 - Buxtehude - Technique

    32. Pro Tutorial #31 - Technique - Stylization

    33. Pro Tutorial #32 - Partimento - Lecture - Lithuania

    34. Pro Tutorial #33 - Partimento - Lecture - Lithuania

    35. Pro Tutorial #34 - C5 - Cascade - Fugue - Krebs - Tied Bass - Invertible

    36. Pro Tutorial #35 - 7-6 - Corelli - Perfidia - Romanesca

    37. Pro Tutorial #36 - Loeillet - Gigue - Bass Motions

    38. Pro Tutorial #37 - Fischer - 4/2 - 5-6 - Cadence - Falling Thirds - Pedal Point - TDO

    39. Pro Tutorial #38 - Cadence - Händel - Overture - RO

    40. Pro Tutorial #39 - Fischer - Suspensions - Cadence - Bass Motions

    41. Pro Tutorial #40 - Fischer

    42. Pro Tutorial #41 - Rameau - Monte Principale - Passacaglia - Perfidia - Romanesca - TDO - Variations

    43. Pro Tutorial #42 - Furno #1

    44. Pro Tutorial #43 - Furno #2

    45. Pro Tutorial #44 - Furno #3

    46. Pro Tutorial #45 - Furno #4

    47. Pro Tutorial #46 - Furno #5

    48. Pro Tutorial #47 - Furno #6

    49. Pro Tutorial #48 - Furno #7

    50. Pro Tutorial #49 - Furno #8

    51. Pro Tutorial #50 - Furno #9

    52. Pro Tutorial #51 - Furno #10

    53. Pro Tutorial #52 - 4/2 - Diminished - Martini

    54. Pro Tutorial #53 - Fenaroli - Imitation - Monte Principale - Patimento - Perfidia - Romanesca

    55. Pro Tutorial #54 - Cascade - Fenaroli - Imitation - Partimento

    56. Pro Tutorial #55 - Bach - C5

    57. Pro Tutorial #56 - Insanguine - Partimento

    58. Pro Tutorial #57 - Insanguine - Partimento - Imitation - Monte Principale

    59. Pro Tutorial #58 - Bass Motions - Domirefa - Fenaroli

    60. Pro Tutorial #59 - Dolareti - Bass Motions - Fenaroli - Monte Principale

    61. Pro Tutorial #60 - Melody

    62. Pro Tutorial #61 - Stylization - Bicinium

    63. Pro Tutorial #62 - Fugue - Pachelbel - Stylization

    64. Pro Tutorial #63 - Fugue - Pachelbel - Stylization

    65. Pro Tutorial #64 - Fugue - Fugue Book

    66. Pro Tutorial #65 - Fugue - Fugue Book

    67. Pro Tutorial #66 - Fugue - Fugue Book - Lecture

    68. Pro Tutorial #67 - Fugue - Fugue Book - Lecture

    69. Pro Tutorial #68 - Fugue - Fugue Book - Lecture

    70. Pro Tutorial #69 - Mattei - Partimento - 5-6 - 7-6 - Bass Motions - Tied Bass - RO

    71. Pro Tutorial #70 - Bass Motions - Cherubini - Counterpoint

    72. Pro Tutorial #71 - Cherubini - Bass Motions - Counterpoint

    73. Pro Tutorial #72 - Cherubini - Mattei - Bass Motions - Counterpoint

    74. Pro Tutorial #73 - Cherubini - Bass Motions - Counterpoint - Diminutions - 7-6 - Fauxbourdon - Suspensions

    75. Pro Tutorial #74 - Cherubini - Cascade - Bass Motions

    76. Pro Tutorial #75 - Cherubini - Marches d'harmonie - Domirefa - Bass Motions

    77. Pro Tutorial #76 - Cherubini - Dolareti - Monte Principale - Marches d'harmonie

    78. Pro Tutorial #77 - Cherubini - Folia - Durante - Marches d'harmonie

    79. Pro Tutorial #78 - Cherubini - Marches d'harmonie

    80. Pro Tutorial #79 - Cherubini - Marches d'harmonie - Rising Fifths - Monte Romanesca

    81. Pro Tutorial #80 - Cherubini Marches d'harmonie - Leaping Romanesca

    82. Pro Tutorial #81 - Cherubini Marches d'harmonie - C5

    83. Pro Tutorial #82 - Preparing Variations on a Theme of Clara Schumann

    84. Pro Tutorial #83 - Preparing Variations on a Theme of Clara Schumann

    85. Pro Tutorial #84 - Variations on Robert Schumann Op. 26

    86. Pro Tutorial #85 - Variations on Robert Schumann Op. 26

    87. Pro Tutorial #86 - Kirchoff - L'A.B.C. Musical - Overview - Partimento - Fugue

    88. Pro Tutorial #87 - Kirchhoff - L'A.B.C. Musical - Prelude 1

    89. Pro Tutorial #88 - Kirchoff - L' A.B.C. Musical - Fugue - Partimento

    90. Pro Tutorial #89 - Kirchoff - L'A.B.C. Musical - Prelude 2

    91. Pro Tutorial #90 - Kirchoff - L'A.B.C. Musical -Fugue

    92. Pro Tutorial #91 - Kirchoff - L'A.B.C Musical - Prelude

    93. Pro Tutorial #92 - Kirchoff - L'A.B.C. Musical - Fugue #3

    94. Pro Tutorial #93 - Kirchoff - Prelude #6 - Figured Bass

    95. Pro Tutorial #94 - Kirchoff - Fugue #6

    96. Pro Tutorial #95 - Kirchoff - Prelude #7

    97. Pro Tutorial #96 - Kirchoff - Fugue #8 - chromatic

    98. Pro Tutorial #97 - Kirchoff - Fugue #10 - fixed countersubject

    99. Pro Tutorial #98 - Galant Fantasia - CPE Bach

    100. Pro Tutorial #99 - Galant Fantasie - CPE Bach

    101. Pro Tutorial #100 - CPE Bach - Improvisation - Scales

    102. Pro Tutorial #101 - CPE Bach - Improvisation - Chromatic - Pedal

    103. Pro Tutorial #102 - CPE Bach - modulating - distant keys

    104. Pro Tutorial #103 - CPE - Galant Fantasie - Keyboard Patterns

    105. Pro Tutorial #104 - Galant Fantasie - CPE Bach - Ernst Wolf

    106. Pro Tutorial #105 - Galant Fantasie - CPE Bach - Ernst Wolf

    107. Pro Tutorial #106 - CPE Bach - Galant Fantasie

    108. Pro Tutorial #107 - Handel ' Lessons for Princess Anne - Fugues

    109. Pro Tutorial #108 - Handel's Lessons for Princess Anne - Fugue in open score

    110. Pro Tutorial #109 - Handel - Lessons for Princess Anne - A Partimento Fugue

    111. Pro Tutorial #110 - Handel's Lessons for Princess Anne - Fugue Example

    112. Pro Tutorial #111 - Handel's Lessons for Princess Anne - Fugue #4

    113. Pro Tutorial #112 - Handel's Lessons for Princess Anne - "Double Fugue"

    114. Pro Tutorial #113 - Handel's Lessons for Princess Anne - "Double Fugue"

    115. Pro Tutorial #114 - Cadenza Finta

    116. Pro Tutorial #115 - Cadenza Finta

    117. Pro Tutorial #116 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Peyer

    118. Performance #117 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Peyer

    119. Pro Tutorial #118 - Peyer Fugue - Bass Motions in Real Music

    120. Pro Tutorial #119 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Peyer Fugue - Tonal Answers

    121. Pro Tutorial #120 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Kellner Fugue

    122. Pro Tutorial #121 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Kellner Fugue

    123. Pro Tutorial #122 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Bach BWV 904

    124. Pro Tutorial #123 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Bach BWV 904

    125. Pro Tutorial #124 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Bach's 5-6 in Hemiola

    126. Pro Tutorial #125 - Bass Motions in Real Music - Bach's Romanesca in Hemiola

    127. Pro Tutorial #126 - Catel - Bass Motions

    128. Pro Tutorial # 127 - Catel - Bass Motions

    129. Pro Tutorial #128 - Catel - Bass Motions

    130. Pro Tutorial #129 - Catel - Bass Motions

    131. Pro Tutorial #130 - Catel - Bass Motions - Folia

    132. Pro Tutorial #131 - Catel - Bass Motions - Perfidia

    133. Pro Tutorial #132 - Catel - Bass Motions

    134. Pro Tutorial #133 - Catel - Bass Motions

    135. Pro Tutorial #134 - Catel - Bass Motions

    136. Pro Tutorial #135 - Catel - Bass Motions

    137. Pro Tutorial #136 - Fugue Series- Introduction

    138. Pro Tutorial #137 - Fugue - Exposition - Fischer

    139. Pro tutorial # 138 - Fugue - SATB exposition

    140. Pro Tutorial #139 - Fugue - BTAS Exposition

    141. Pro Tutorial #140 - Fugue - Fischer - Staggered Entrances

    142. Pro Tutorial #141 - Fugue - Fischer - Redundant Entries

    143. Pro Tutorial #142 - Fugue - Chelleri Subject

    144. Pro Tutorial #143 - Fugue - Chelleri - Chromatic

    145. Pro Tutorial #144 - Fugue - Subject

    146. Pro Tutorial #145 - Fugue - Subject - Exposition

    147. Pro Tutorial #146 - Fugue - Chromatic - Reber

    148. Pro Tutorial #147 - Fugue - Chromatic - Krebs

    149. Pro Tutorial #148 - Fugue - Episodes - Chelleri

    150. Pro Tutorial #149 - Fugue - Episodes - Chelleri

    151. Pro Tutorial #150 - Fugue - Subject-Countersubject Pairs - Zelenka

    152. Pro Tutorial #151 - Fugue - Subject-Countersubject Pairs - Zelenka

    153. Pro Tutorial #152 - Lecture in Perugia

    154. Pro Tutorial #153 - Q&A at Rice University

    155. Pro Tutorial #154 - Fugue - Stretto at the Octave

    156. Pro Tutorial #155 - Fugue - Stretto at the 4th and 5th

    157. Pro Tutorial #156 - Fugue - Stretto - Fake Stretto

    158. Pro Tutorial #157 - Fugue - Stretto - Fake Stretto

About this course

  • Free
  • 158 lessons